Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Man and Woman togather Two eyes in one head.About Margaret Thatcher she was a good

prime minister to British , and she's very smart,experience in the politics and control to her

country.I agree with her about what she said because the men better than the women in

politics or hard works ,and the women i think their works inside the house . Some kinds

of works can to the women do it ,but it's not same the men for example, work in hospital

dentist , nurse ,teacher ,and a cheff.The men have power to do anythink opsite the women

their powers only to do limite. This is my view about Margaret thatcher .

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


The places,when i heard this word my feelings are move . This song very famouse in

our contries in middle east . It's song The Places for the best singer in arab his name arab

artist Mohammed Abdo . That song says about my life when i was teenager,says about my first

love story ,teenagers. Now , you can my friends listen to that music by youtube you should

be listen only put in it (places song ) and enjoy with it.If you speak frensh you can understand

this words Places . I guess every body are happy after listen it . If any body had love story

should be listen it trust me my friends.


kingdom of saudi arabia the best arab countries around the world. It has the big mousqe to

islam religion and famous islamic places . It's capital city is Riyadh.It's area 2,4 million ^2

squar.By 2004, the puplution in saudi arabia around Twenty Two million people live in ksa.

Saudi Arabia has alot of Oil and the first country of the world has reserves of oil. It had the

biggest oil field around the world it's name alsafania,and this field everyday produce 60 million

barrels .About it's weather, it is very hot in the summer , but in winter it's cold but of ofcourse

not similar canada .

Monday, June 22, 2009


I would like to buy a new toshiba computer because it's MY old fasion . My

laptob is very intersted to me . I use my laptob everyday to study,translat words,listen music

and massenger. Everybody around the world uses the computer to thier items . I guess when

i want't buy should be go marketmall or schenook centre . About cost, I don't have idea , but i

think around $800 dollar . All designs toshiba are different every two years and anew system

to that. The life without computer now simillar the water in the life.

Sunday, June 21, 2009


I hope to buy a new model of Laptop .At the present ,Laptop very intersted to any person

of diffrent age. I use my Laptop everyday watch youtube ,chating, massenger and study.Always

it helps me about my study because i need to translat words and search about some tittle.Now,

if i want to make appointment to travell about the computer. I guess cost to my laptop $800

dollar but old model toshiba . I would like to but a new model toshiba is very good made and

alot designs in it.